Pre-Seminar Questionnaire:

    This questionnaire is used strictly to make a more profound impact and assist in gaining better, faster results and outcomes from The Prose’s seminars, courses and sessions. The more we’re able to assess core issues of our clientele, the better we can serve you.

    This form is strictly confidential, including from our company staff. There will be no identities linked to these questions in any way.

    The way to attain the best and quickest results is by answering as thoroughly and honestly.

    Thank you for assisting us in being able to serve you the best way possible by answering the following questions and providing as much details as possible:

    What are the top 3 issues that you are experiencing currently and what do you feel the reasons may be for this?




    What are the top 3 concerns you have about the future? (This can be personal/ professional/ regional/ global or list concerns in each area, if you choose)

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